Latest News
Nursery Cryme Plays Live – at the Roedean Theatre, Brighton on 29th October, 2022 @ 7:30pm
We kick off our live performances again starting with a new venue - Roedean Theatre in Brighton. Roedean Theatre is located within the grounds of the prestigious Roedean School - Sussex's equivalent to Charterhouse School...but for girls. With fantastic views over...
NC Newsletter
More good news! We’ve been made aware that some of our followers are understandably somewhat perplexed if not frustrated by social media, so NC are introducing a new email newsletter that you will be able to receive that has all latest information about band news,...
Introducing Nick Askem
Here we go folks - after a period of some respite the wheels are back on and we’re off down the road once again for some more Genesis fun! Thank you to everyone for your patience & ongoing support - we really do appreciate it. We kick off with an introduction to...
We’re back…properly!
After rehearsals resumed last year, we decided on a bit of a break. We're now pleased to announce that as theatres have started to open up again we're back in our saddles and raring to go! We've some news about the band and some new saddles being filled plus news our...
NC Rehearsals Resume
Hoorah! Who’d have thought? NC rehearsals have resumed in earnest, a year and four months after our last gig! Welcome to our new NC virtual studio rehearsal room at Sole Farm Recordings - at least lock down has brought us something positive. News on gigs coming up...
NC’s mixing desk finds a new home
Last week we said a tearful goodbye to our trusty faithful Presonus mixing console as we sent it on its merry way to a new resting place in Northern Ireland. Here it is looking very happy with its new home and better still, it looks like it’s going to remain a UK...
Now under full-time management!
Good news! Nursery Cryme is now being managed full time and as the world starts to try to return to normality, we hope to be able to announce a new round of gigs in the near future. All gig updates will be posted on our website and Facebook page - so look out! Oh, how...
New Sound and Lighting Rigs
In preparation for our ‘getting back out there’, we’ve been fortunate in acquiring a whole new light show and sound system...but not only that - they come with their own designer/operators! More on Kevin and Peter later, but for those who might be interested in the...